Hello thanx for coming to my webpage!!! My name is Riku and I am a cat. My mom is helping me make this page! I included all kinds of cool stuff on here so I hope u enjoy it. KEEP SCROLLING IF U WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT ME :D

about meabout meabout meabout me

I was born in October of 2010 in Oklahoma. My mom and dad found me at a pet store in their hometown. The pet store had my brothers and sisters on display from the Animal Rescue Foundation. Of course as soon as my mom and dad saw me they couldn't resist adopting a cutie like me. I was so happy to have a home of my own!

I like napping on the couch, scratching my scratching post, having my picture taken, cuddling, watching tv, playing with toys, and eating food. I especially like foods I can't haz, like queso dip. I also love butter but my mom never lets me have any. She says I need to stay healthy and eat cat food. Lucky 4 me, I get yummy canned cat food instead of that icky dry food. Before bed my mom always gives me greenies as a treat! I can hardly wait until she goes to bed to get my snax!!

If there's anything else u want to know about me, please tell my mom by signing her guestbook. We will be sure to update this page asap with any suggestions!


my favorite people

click here 2 see pics of me!!

riku rates fictional cats

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